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Sunday, August 28, 2005

How to tell if the female guppy is pregnant?

it is easy to tell if the female guppy is pregnant - signs of pregnancy are a large belly, a boxy-look from the front view, and a darker gravid spot. The obvious black "gravid" spot is where the fry's eyes forming inside the mother, and this is just in front of her anal fin.

When delivery is near, the female will start having difficulties swimming due the weight of the developing fry. The female will also try to find a hiding place, and will probably start refusing to eat. If you watch them daily during feeding times, you should be able to notice that they may not be eating. Even though some females may appear to ingest food, if you watch carefully they may often spit it out again.

Below shows a 2.5 weeks pregnant female guppy;

Rear view of the gravid spot;

credits to Chris yu guppyonline member

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lobster-Cherax destructor-australia


These fascinating crustaceans are from the order Decapoda. A decapods body is composed of a series of hard segments called somites. These somites are either fused together, or linked by a flexible join forming the limbs. They have two sets of jaws in front of the mouth, and have several appendages near the mouth that act as feeding aids. The limbs usually start with a pair of developed arms with claws. Behind these are 4 pairs of walking legs, and as the claws are classed as legs they total 10, hence Decapoda.

Some shrimps use the legs under the abdomen for swimming. However the true 'long tailed decapods', like all crayfish and some shrimp, can only swim backwards using the tail, not the pleopods. They are also used to fan freshwater to the gills (and may even bear gills themselves), food to the mouth, and females use these pleopods to carry their eggs.
The antennae and atennules in front of the mouth are their sensory organs (less developed in crabs), and they aid swimming and feeding in their larvae forms, the smaller pair contain fluid sacks used to orientate the animal (much like our inner ear). The large pair of antenna are very mobile and sensitive, and enable them to move safely through even the darkest waters. The antenna also hold the taste cells (aesthetasks). Their sense of touch is further enhanced by fine bristles situated on their limbs, allowing them to sense even the slightest movement.
Their eyes are usually situated on stalks, they are complex faceted eyes. There are between 7,000 and 30,000 individual eyes (onmatids) on each eyestalk. Even with these compound eyes, they principally orientate themselves by touch.
The body is covered with a solid shell primarily made up of chitin, but also contains some calcium carbonate for strength (especially in crabs). This shell is held together by an underlying layer of skin (the endoskeleton), and together forms the crustaceans exoskeleton. Its muscles are also attached to this outer shell.
In crabs, the abdomen is short and the telson is flat and folded underneath the body. The swimming legs and tail are lost altogether.

How to tell Male & Female Guppy apart?

It is easy to tell males and females apart. The males are a lot more colourful and have an elongated and pointed anal fin called the gonopodium. The gonopodium is used to transfer milt to the female.

Females on the other hand, are a lot rounder, have duller colouration and have a rounded anal fin.

Male guppies grow to around 3.5 cm, females are larger and grow to around 6 cm when fully grown.

Male Guppy;

Female Guppy;

Credit to Chris yew guppyonli member

Breeding Livebearers - Guppies and Swordtails

Breeding Livebearers - Guppies and Swordtails

Equipment Needed: Breeder Box or Breeder Net
Breeding Grass
5 or 10 gallon tank for the baby fish or a tank divider that you can use for your main tank.
A pair - 1 female and 1 male
Two of the more popular tropical fish for beginners has to be Guppies and Swordtails. Guppies and Swordtails are livebearers which means that their babies come out swimming. Like most livebearers, there is not much to getting your guppies or swordtail to breed. If you have a male and a female then you will eventually have a pregnant female. The gestation period for livebearers is usually 28 days but can range from 20 to 40 days.

Place the male and female in the same tank together and they will soon mate. You are probably asking, how can I tell when the female is pregnant? When a female guppy is pregnant she will develop a dark triangular shaped gravid spot near her anal vent. This will get larger and darker as the pregnancy progresses. While you are waiting on the female to develop the fry it's time to make sure you are prepared for the delivery. We use plastic breeder boxes and always have without any problems. A breeder box is a small box plastic box about 4 inches long by 3 inches wide and 4 inches deep. There is a removable "V" shaped trap in it which serves to separate the mother from the babies. When the mother fish has babies they fall through the slot in the "V" into the bottom of the box. After the mother is finished having babies, you can remove the "V" trap so that they babies have more room to grow. Some people have had bad experiences with breeder boxes and now only use a breeder net. It is also a good idea to purchase some real or plastic breeding grass for the top of the aquarium. The breeding grass is just in case the mother gives birth before you have a chance to put her in the breeder box. The young babies instinctively will swim to the top of the aquarium and the breeder grass provides a great hiding place so they won't get eaten by the bigger fish in your tank.

To feed your new arrivals you can use finely crushed flake food. Using your fingers, you can rub the flakes into a fine powder. Some only feed live foods such as baby brine shrimp. Live foods would definitely be the best way to go, but for most this is simply not feasible. Crushed or powdered flake food will suffice. Try to feed the babies 3 very small meals per day. You will invariably feed too much and the excess food will drop to the bottom of the tank or breeder box. To clean a breeder box we like to take a 3 ft. length of aquarium tubing and a small bucket. Use the tubing as a siphon to clean the bottom of the breeder box. Be careful not to siphon any baby fish.

Try to perform 25% water changes weekly for your baby guppies. This will aid in the optimal growth of your baby tropical fish. After a few weeks in the breeder box your new babies will soon outgrow their home and you will need to move them either to a new tank or your main tank with a divider installed. By 8 weeks old your baby fish will most likely be able to return to the main tank without a divider.

credits to

Breeding Angelfish

By Jay Shaw
First published in Fishy Times, Campbell River Aquarium Society, Canada

Common Name: Angelfish
Scientific Name: Pterophyllum scalare
Wild Distribution: Tributaries and basins. South America
Length: Up to 6 inches
Water Temperature: 74 to 83f

If you are an avid fish breeder, you know what the angelfish is all about. If not, boy are you missing out! I can’t think of anything much more rewarding than a prized pair of angels with their young. This fish teeters a hobbyist into a new realm of fish keeping.

Over the years, angelfish have taken many faces. Like the fancy guppy, they have jogged the genetic trail: silvers, marbles, gold marbles, leopards, blushers - the list goes on and on. For this reason it is difficult to give you a description.

Angelfish are from the cichlid family and can be very aggressive at times. Experience will tell you that there is a time and a place for angelfish in the community tank. As with most large fish, angels develop a personality. There’s no comparing one to the next. Males and females are distinguishable at sexual maturity.

Breeding Notes:

One thing that does seem consistent is the breeding method. I could go on for hours about angelfish, but I could also tell you what you need to know on one page. There are many methods of raising angels but I am going to share my method:

I pick up to six juveniles, which I house together in a 33-gallon tank. I keep the bottom bare and use only sponge filters. I put in two pieces of 2 inch P.V.C. pipe, which I secure at a 30-degree angle. The pH is steady at 7 and the hardness is 2 degrees. The water temperature hovers around the 80f mark. I feed my angels bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, a beef heart mixture, flakes and the occasional white worm.

As the angels grow (six to eight months) they will begin to choose their mates. You will see them buddy up and may pick a territory to defend. If you are almost certain that you have a pair, remove them to their own tank. I use 15-gallon tanks but should use 20’s. Be sure that their breeding tank is fitted with an acceptable spawning site. At this point I increase my water temperature to 82 degrees and increase feeding.

Within five to eight days you should notice the belly on one of them to begin to swell. This will be your female. Within a few days the papilla should show on both the male and female (organ between the ventral and anal fin). The male’s papilla is much smaller than the female’s. Once egg laying begins you should avoid disturbing the tank. Take note of which fish was laying the eggs and watch for the male to fertilize them. Within two days you will know if your pair is fertile. The eggs may turn white. If you are sure of your pair, it may take a few attempts for a successful spawning.

I currently practice only natural incubation, meaning I leave the parents to tend the eggs. The eggs may take three to four days to hatch depending on your water temperature. Once they are wiggling it will take an additional three to five days for them to reach the free-swimming stage. It is at this point you may begin feeding: newly hatched brine shrimp and micro worms work best. I allow the parents to stay with the fry for the first few days of feeding. I then remove the parents and begin the cycle again. I find my females become gravid every ten to twenty days.

Your new fry will begin to take on their angel shape around the two week mark. It is at this time that their growth rate explodes. You may begin to give them a variety of food. It is not uncommon to lose 20 % of your fry in the first few weeks. It is wise to work on a four spawn, month off program. Spawning activities can be draining on your angels; they need a vacation once in a while! This will help with your egg yields.

* Angels can be very demanding and you must be patient and willing to experiment with different techniques. Once you find something that works, stick to it. Nothing is ever set in stone with angelfish. have had many surprises ranging from foster parents to spawning site selection, but that’s all another story. There is unlimited information out there on angelfish. As you begin researching, you will find how diverse the breeding techniques can be.


By Karl Baumgarten
London Aquaria Society, Ontario, Canada. May 2001

In this article, I will try to enlighten you on the topic of the care and breeding of Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish.

The Siamese Fighting Fish originated in Thailand and Indonesia, where it lives in swamps and rice paddies. The original betta doesn’t have the long, colourful, flowing fins and thin long body of the fancy type, but instead has a short, stocky body with fins like a female betta, with red, green and blue being the predominant colours. The wild types are more aggressive and have more muscle than that of the fancy type.

The betta can be a very peaceful fish, but is considered aggressive for two reasons:

1. Defence of territory, and
2. The right to breed with a female.

The betta, in my opinion, is one of the easiest first fish to keep, because they don’t require a huge tank with an expensive filter, and they don’t need to be fed expensive foods. The betta requires a small container (bowl or jar), likes to be fed once or twice a day and likes the water to be changed every four or five days, and that’s what makes it such a good beginner’s fish. It doesn’t require a lot of intense attention and care.

I have been breeding bettas for about a year and a half, and have had about ten or so successful spawns. It first started with a trip to the Local Pet Store (seems it always starts this way!) when I left with a pair of red/blue bettas, a ten gallon tank, a filter, food and a book on the care of the fish. Suffice to say, they didn’t survive long, and I never got them to breed. I continued to buy more from the pet store and finally got a couple of spawns to take place. I went on the Net, did a bit of searching, and had a couple of shipments of IBC (International Betta Congress) quality bettas sent to me. I started breeding them, and to this day, I breed and show my fish and have won many CAOAC awards for my bettas. (They love me, they really love me!!).

I will now explain various tail types and main colour variations of the bettas:

Tail Types
Veil tail: This tail type is the most common and what is usually found in pet stores. The gene for Veil tail is dominant and is very hard to breed out of a line. The tail is long and thin and usually tapers to a point. Delta tail: This is where the tail is in the shape of a delta coming off of the caudal peduncle. The spread is measured in degrees and can vary from 50 degrees to 70 degrees.
Super Delta Tail: This is a wider form of the Delta Tail and the the spread of the caudal fin is usually from 70 degrees to 120 degrees.
Ultra Delta Tail: This is an even more glorified version of the Delta Tail. The caudal fin spread is usually between 120 degrees to 160 degrees.
Half Moon: The tail shape is self-explanatory, but for the article’s sake, I will explain. The Half Moon is the caudal fin spreading off of the caudal peduncle at 160 to 180 degrees, and the rays must be of even length. (This rule applies to all forms of the Delta Tail as well). It is hard to find true Half Moon and they are very expensive. Anything labelled as HM (Half Moon) Genotype usually has a spread of more than 90 degrees. The anal fin on the Half Moon or a Half Moon Genotype is usually extended.
Double Tail: This tail type is a very beautiful one, where the caudal fin is split in the middle, producing two caudal peduncles and what are referred to as tail lobes (fins). A true Double Tail should have an even split right to the body and have two caudal peduncles. The dorsal fin on a Double Tail is extended. Breeding Double Tails to Double Tails is a very risky cross, as this will produce fish with spinal deformities and short bodies due to the twin caudal peduncles. This tail type can sometimes be seen in combination with any of the Delta Tails and Half Moon bettas.
Crowntail: This is the newest and most expensive tail type to date. This type shows the fins rays extending past the webbing of the fins.
SR (Single Ray) is just that--only one ray extends past the webbing.
DR (Double Ray) has each ray dividing into two rays at the webbing.
TR (Triple Ray) is very rare--the rays divide into three at the webbing.
DDR (Double Double Ray) is very expensive, and the rays divide into two at the webbing, then each of those two split rays will divide into two again looking like four rays. The number of rays is counted on the caudal fin only, as the dorsal and anal fins only have single rays coming off the webbing. This tail type can be seen in combination with Double Tail and any of the Delta Tails and Half Moon types.

Common Colours
Red: The fins and body are bright red, paling out at the gills and head.
Extended Red: A glorified type of Red in which the red colouration extends past the gill plates and head. Royal Blue: The body and fins are a dark, royal blue, ending at the gill plates. The head is usually dark grey-black. This colour is very prone to red wash (where red can be seen in the fish, usually the fins.)
Steel blue: The fins and body have a light grey-dark gun-metal blue colour ending at the gills and head, which are the same as the royal blue. This colour is also very prone to red wash.
Turquoise: This is a faded bright green throughout the body, ending at the gills and the head is that of a blue betta. (i.e.: greyish black)
Black/Melano: This is one of the hardest to get in its pure form, and is one of the most desirable colours to breed for in bettas. The whole body and fins are midnight black, and in its pure form, very beautiful. Males of this colour are very fertile, but a fertility problem rests in the females. It hasn’t yet been proven, but there is a link between the Melano gene and the females' reproductive system that makes them infertile. To get blacks, the best combination is to cross a Melano male to a Steel Blue female. (If she carries the gene for Melano, then you’ve got it made). It is one of the most desired colours to breed and is a challenge to keep the quality. The chances of obtaining or raising a fertile TRUE Melano female are astronomical. So if you find one, let me know ASAP.
Black Lace: In this type, the black has a more washed-out appearance. These fish are fertile, the black lace look is actually a steel blue colouration that is the result of a steel X black early in its ancestry (Probably back when our editor was born!) (Just joking Lynn.)
Yellow: This colour is a yellow which can range anywhere from an almost clear to a bright butter-yellow covering the whole body and fins.
Cellophane: This fish in its pure form, is a clear-finned pale (very pale) yellow. This is an excellent colour to use to increase finnage and body size, as in its purest form, it doesn’t carry any colour genes that would affect your reason for using it. (Editor’s note: Possibly amelanistic, and recessive colour gene, thus unable to dominate over other colours)
Chocolate: This colour is between black and yellow and can be dark brown to a light brown, almost yellow. A very nice colour and a somewhat desirable one to breed.
Opaque: This colour is the whole fish having a milky opaque colour. It comes in White only, and is very desirable in its purest form, with no red wash.
Pastel: This is when the fish has an oily-pastel look to it and it comes in three main colours: Blue, Red, and Green.

These are the solid colours found in bettas. There are many combinations, butterflies, marbles and bi-colours. If I were to explain them all, I would be here forever.

So, finally, the breeding and raising of these beauties . . .

STEP 1: Conditioning a pair for spawning
When conditioning a pair, feed a variety of foods - many live and frozen foods. Every day, or every other day, water changes in the container are a must, as more and better foods, together with lots of clean water, helps to get a pair into condition to spawn. Condition a pair for no less than a week, and two weeks or more if they have just recently arrived via a shipment or if they come from a pet store - the fish may have suffered from a lack of clean water and good food.

STEP 2: Setting up the spawning tank
For spawning, in my opinion a ten gallon tank is the best. I have spawned fish in a 2.5 gallon up to a 20 gallon, but the 10 gallon with three inches of water works best. You’ll need a tank, a 50w submersible heater (anything larger may cook them!), a sponge filter (turned off during the actual spawning process), and lots of plants. You may use either live or plastic plants, but live plants work better. They keep the water cleaner while the filter is turned off, as well as culturing infusoria to serve as the first food for the fry. I use Java moss and find it works the best for hiding, and the density is perfect. For a bubble-nest site, a Styrofoam cup cut in half (resembling an airplane hangar) works well. You need a tightly sealing lid for the top of the tank, as betta fry need the air and water temperatures to be the same in order to properly develop the labyrinth organ (common to the family Anabantidae). Set the heater to 80 degrees F - no more, no less. Start this process about a week before the proposed spawn date in order to balance and stabilise the temperature. The pH and water hardness are not really critical to bettas, just the temperature. Have a container (such as a glass lantern chimney) to put the female in, so that the male can see her but can’t get at her. Place this near the spawn site, but not touching the Styrofoam nest site.

STEP 3: Introducing the pair to the spawning tank
Place the male in a small cup of water and float him in the spawning tank for half an hour ( after the first fifteen minutes, dump out half of his water, replacing with water from the spawning tank). At the end of the half hour, dump the male into the tank. Then add the female in the same fashion, after first being sure that her container is closed so that the male can’t tip it over in his excitement. When her half hour has elapsed, place her into the glass enclosure where she will remain until she is released for spawning.

STEP 4: Releasing the female
Releasing the female from the glass enclosure too early may cause undue damage, so be patient at this stage. There are four main signs that will help you determine if the female is ready to spawn:

1. The female, when ready, will no longer be scared of the male, but will be more inclined to swim with him and even flare back.
2. Look at the female’s stomach - females always carry eggs, but when ready to spawn she will fill up hugely enough to look like she swallowed a marble.
3. The female will show vertical bars on the body indicating readiness to spawn, as opposed to the horizontal bars associated with fear or stress. This sign is not the most accurate, as pastel or opaque females don’t show any sort of bars. This sign should only be used in combination with #1 & # 4.
4. The last signs to indicate a female's readiness to spawn is that she will clamp her fins and swim with her body slanted forward, and will exhibit the vertical barring, and she will be doing a wiggling dance. (I don’t know what it is, but it's true.)

STEP 5: Spawning process
When a female is showing three or all of the signs, she is ready to be released. You should carefully take her out of the enclosure and place her away from the male in the tank. She will swim around and when the male sees her, he will flare at her and chase her around the tank. There will be some nipping of the fins - this is normal. It is not pretty, but that’s nature! Hopefully, at this point, he will have a well-built sturdy nest. If not, don’t worry, I have had males spawn and protect the eggs/fry without a single bubble. The female will come out once in a while from hiding to inspect the nest. If it isn’t to her liking, she will bite at it and jump at it, destroying it. He will chase her into hiding again and resume building. Once she approves the nest, she will come out doing the head-down dance, and will approach the underside of the nest. They will start the embrace. They will come at each other and circle. The male will grip her with his body and flip her upside down while wiggling and squirming. He will then tighten and go almost lifeless, at which time she releases the eggs while he releases the sperm. The embrace will last for 10 to 20 seconds. Then the male will “come to" and collect the eggs while coating them with saliva, to spit into the nest. They will continue this process for one to three hours, although I have had a spawn last for five hours. After they are done, he will chase the female away and you can remove her and her enclosure. Sometimes they don’t spawn the first day, and you’ll need to put her back into her enclosure for the night, or she may seek revenge on the male.

STEP 6: Daddy duties
Once spawning is complete and the female is safely removed, the male will guard the nest and any eggs that fall out will be put back into the nest. You need to leave a light on the tank (or nearby) so that he can see the eggs that may fall at night. After two or three days, the eggs will hatch and tiny (very tiny!) fry can be seen hanging from the nest. Now his job gets much harder, as the fry wiggle and fall out of the nest more frequently and the male has to keep up with them. In about two to three more days, the fry will begin to swim on their own horizontally. Now you can remove the male - his job is done.

STEP 7: Raising the fry
Once the fry are free-swimming, they need to eat lots of tiny food particles. They won’t usually eat for the first five or six days after hatching, but then you can feed live food and small flakes or pellets. “Liqui-fry for egg-layers” works great, as do micro-worms and vinegar eels. Now the filter may be turned back on (at a low rate). Keep the temperature at 80 degrees F, and leave the lid on the tank as warmth is crucial to the fry developing properly. Water changes may be started two weeks after they are free-swimming, after they are strong enough to swim away from the siphon. Keep this up for two to three months, when the young males will start to develop their characteristics - fins will elongate and aggression will increase. When the fish are three or four months old, wean them to frozen food and pelleted diet.

That’s all it takes to raise them. It may look complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it's both fun and enjoyable. You can then sit back and say "For the past three months or so, that’s what I have to show for my work!” and it's very pleasurable.